Microwave Rescues You Can't Be WithoutCheck out this handy chart for convenient and fast solutions. Use microwavable utensils
Bacon, thinly sliced (cook) Plate or bacon rack lined with paper towels. Cover with paper towel and place between layers.
Microwave until crisp. High (100%) 1 to 8 slices 30 to 45 sec each
Brown Sugar, hard (soften) Bowl covered with damp paper towel then plastic wrap. Repeat heating once or twice. High (100%)1
to 3 cups1 min; let stand 2 min until softened
Butter or Margarine (melt) Remove foil wrapper. Bowl or measuring cup; covered. High (100%) 1 to 8 Tbsp 1/2 to 1 cup 30
to 50 sec 60 to 75 sec
Butter or Margarine (soften) Remove foil wrapper. Bowl or measuring cup; uncovered. High (100%) 1 to 8 Tbsp 1/2 to 1 cup
10 to 20 sec 15 to 30 sec
Caramels (melt) 4-cup measuring cup; uncovered High (100%) 14-oz bag caramels mixed with 2 to 4 Tbsp milk or water 2 to
3 min; stir once or twice
Chocolate, unsweetened or sweetened baking (melt) Unwrapped squares in bowl or measuring cup. Medium (50%) 1 to 3 oz 1
1/2 to 2 1/2 min
Chocolate Chips (melt) Bowl or measuring cup; uncovered. Chips will not change shape. Medium (50%) 1/2 to 1 cup 2 to 3
Coconut (toast) 2-cup measuring cup or pie plate, uncovered. Stir every 30 sec. High (100%) 1/4 to 1/2 cup 1 cup 1 1/2
to 2 min 2 to 3 min
Cream Cheese (soften) Remove foil wrapper or cover. Bowl or leave in plastic tub; uncovered. Medium (50%) 3-oz pkg 8-oz
pkg 8-oz tub 45 to 60 sec 1 to 1 1/2 min 45 to 60 sec
Dried Fruit (soften) 2-cup measuring cup; add 1/2 tsp water for each 1/2 cup fruit. Cover with plastic wrap, folding back
one edge or corner 1/4-inch to vent steam. High (100%) 1/4 to 1/2 cup 1/2 to 1 cup 30 to 45 sec 45 to 60 sec; let stand 2
Fruit, frozen (thaw) Leave in plastic bag or pouch or transfer to bowl; thaw until most of ice is gone. Medium (50%) 16-oz
bag 3 to 5 min; stir or rearrange twice.
Fruit, refrigerated (warm) Place in microwave, on napkin or paper towel if desired. High (100%) 1 medium 2 medium 15 sec
20 to 30 sec; let stand 2 min
Honey (dissolve crystals) Jar with lid removed; uncovered.High (100%) 1/2 to 1 cup45 sec to 1 1/2 min; stir every 20 to
30 sec or until crystals dissolve
Ice Cream (soften) Original container; remove any foil. Low (10%) 1/2 gallon 2 to 3 min; let stand 2 to 3 min
Muffins or Rolls (heat) (small to medium) Plate, napkin or napkin-lined basket; uncovered. High (100%) 1 to 4 5 to 10 sec
Muffins or Rolls (heat) (large to jumbo) Plate, napkin or napkin-lined basket; uncovered.High (100%) 1 to 4 10 to 20 sec
Nuts, chopped (toast) Measuring cup, uncovered; add 1/4 tsp vegetable oil for each 1/4 cup nuts. Stir every 30 sec until
light brown. High (100%) 1/4 to 1/2 cup 1/2 to 1 cup 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 min 3 to 4 min
Snacks (crisp) (popcorn, pretzels, corn chips or potato chips) Paper towel-lined basket; uncovered High (100%) 2 cups 4
cups 20 to 40 sec 40 to 60 sec
Syrup (heat) Measuring cup or pitcher; uncovered. Stir every 30 sec. High (100%) 1/2 cup 1 cup 30 to 45 sec 45 to 60 sec
Water (boil) Measuring cup; uncovered. Stir after half the time to avoid overheating.High (100%) 1 cup 2 to 3 min